What SAPAs Do

Office Hours
Are you interested in studying abroad, but don't know how to choose a program or get started? Are you looking for someone who participated in the same program you want to? Or, maybe you just want to hear about another UF student's international experience? Come chat with the SAPAs during our office hours! In the Fall and Spring, SAPAs hold in-person office hours Monday-Friday, 9:35am-3:50 pm in the International Center (Hub).  View our office hours schedule here

Information Sessions
SAPAs lead the Study Abroad 101 information sessions that take place each Tuesday and Wednesday from 3-4 pm in the International Center. These sessions outline the basics of study abroad at UF, including program types, funding, and how to apply. If you're unable to attend one of these sessions but would still like the information, you can watch our 6-minute virtual version, also featuring the SAPAs, here

Group Presentations
Are you planning a student meeting or event that relates to study abroad? Looking for an interesting guest speaker to liven up your classroom? Consider requesting a Study Abroad Peer Advisor to speak! Presentations are typically a version of the 101 sessions given each Tuesday & Wednesday (see above), but special presentation requests can also be made. Email ufsapa@gmail.com to inquire!

Outreach & Tabling
SAPAs help the UF International Center with various events throughout the year, including the Study Abroad Fair, International Education Week, pre-departure orientations, scholarship writing workshops, first-gen student panels, and more! You can also find us tabling on-campus each week, usually in Turlington Plaza! During Fall 2024 we are also tabling weekly at the Career Connections Center in the Reitz Union.

Graduation Cord Sales
Near the end of each semester, the SAPAs sell study abroad graduation cords for UF study abroad alumni to honor their achievement at graduation. The cords are green and blue and cost $20 cash. All proceeds go to funding SAPA Scholarships for future study abroad participants! To purchase a cord, stop by the UF Study Abroad office or SAPA Office Hours.

The SAPAs are excited to offer scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000 for students who demonstrate strong financial need. We are looking to award students who show a passion for study abroad, a drive for personal growth, and a genuine interest in immersing themselves in their host country's culture. These scholarships are fully funded and reviewed by the Study Abroad Peer Advisors. Applications for the Fall 2025 and All Year 2025-26 SAPA Scholarships are now OPEN! Click here to apply.