Kate Bass

Program: UF in Merida - Tropical Ecology & Spanish

Program Type: UF-Sponsored

Major: Biology (CALS)

Minor: Spanish

Pronouns: She/her

Office Hours: Thursdays 9:35 am - 10:25 am

Hello! My name is Kate Bass (she/her), and I studied abroad in Mérida, Mexico through the UF in Merida Program. Our experience focused on tropical ecology and Spanish, immersing us into the Mayan and Spanish culture in the Yucatán (Summer B 2022). I absolutely loved my experience abroad and found that traveling through jungles, jumping in cenotes, and exploring beautiful historical cities allowed me to expand my cultural lens, and even inspire me to pursue a minor in Spanish. I was able to grow really close with people I met on the trip, and will continue to go on adventures with my new friends in my four years at UF. I gained so many valuable skills, like growing in leadership and communication, and I am very hopeful to study abroad again soon!