Eden Zdravko

Program: UF in Europe - Cities in Civilization

Program Type: UF Sponsored

Major: Political Science

Minor: Anthropology, Religion

Pronouns: She/her

Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:35-10:25am

Hello! My name is Eden Zdravko and I am a third year political science major with anthropology and religion minors. I participated in UF in Europe: Cities in Civilization during Summer B 2023; which included traveling to London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Florence, and Rome in 5 weeks! It truly was a whirlwind experience and it has made such a huge impact on my life and how I walk through it. Alongside seeing and learning about some of the most beautiful places in the world, I made friendships that I know will last a lifetime, and have learned so much about myself and what I want from my life. Study abroad broadens your horizons and makes you realize how much you don't know in the best way possible!